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Text File | 1998-08-05 | 49.0 KB | 1,084 lines |
- Artistic The "Artistic License"
- Changes Differences from previous version
- Changes5.000 Differences between 4.x and 5.000
- Changes5.001 Differences between 5.000 and 5.001
- Changes5.002 Differences between 5.001 and 5.002
- Changes5.003 Differences between 5.002 and 5.003
- Changes5.004 Differences between 5.003 and 5.004
- Configure Portability tool
- Copying The GNU General Public License
- EXTERN.h Included before foreign .h files
- INSTALL Detailed installation instructions
- INTERN.h Included before domestic .h files
- MANIFEST This list of files
- Makefile.SH A script that generates Makefile
- objXSUB.h Scoping macros for Perl Object in extensions
- Policy_sh.SH Hold site-wide preferences between Configure runs.
- Porting/Contract Social contract for contributed modules in Perl core
- Porting/Glossary Glossary of config.sh variables
- Porting/config.sh Sample config.sh
- Porting/config_H Sample config.h
- Porting/findvars Find occurrences of words
- Porting/fixCORE Find and fix modules that generate warnings
- Porting/fixvars Find undeclared variables with C compiler and fix em
- Porting/genlog Generate formatted changelogs by querying p4d
- Porting/makerel Release making utility
- Porting/p4d2p Generate standard patches from p4 diffs
- Porting/patching.pod How to report changes made to Perl
- Porting/patchls Flexible patch file listing utility
- Porting/pumpkin.pod Guidelines and hints for Perl maintainers
- README The Instructions
- README.amiga Notes about AmigaOS port
- README.beos Notes about BeOS port
- README.cygwin32 Notes about Cygwin32 port
- README.dos Notes about dos/djgpp port
- README.mpeix Notes about MPE/iX port
- README.os2 Notes about OS/2 port
- README.os390 Notes about OS/390 (nee MVS) port
- README.plan9 Notes about Plan9 port
- README.qnx Notes about QNX port
- README.threads Notes about multithreading
- README.vms Notes about VMS port
- README.win32 Notes about Win32 port
- Todo The Wishlist
- Todo-5.005 What needs doing before 5.005 release
- XSlock.h Include file for extensions built with PERL_OBJECT defined
- XSUB.h Include file for extension subroutines
- av.c Array value code
- av.h Array value header
- beos/nm.c BeOS port
- bytecode.h Bytecode header for compiler
- bytecode.pl Produces byterun.h, byterun.c and ext/B/Asmdata.pm
- byterun.c Runtime support for compiler-generated bytecode
- byterun.h Header for byterun.c
- cc_runtime.h Macros need by runtime of compiler-generated code
- cflags.SH A script that emits C compilation flags per file
- config_h.SH Produces config.h
- configpm Produces lib/Config.pm
- configure.com Configure-equivalent for VMS
- configure.gnu Crude emulation of GNU configure
- cop.h Control operator header
- cv.h Code value header
- cygwin32/cw32imp.h Cygwin32 port
- cygwin32/gcc2 Cygwin32 port
- cygwin32/ld2 Cygwin32 port
- cygwin32/perlgcc Cygwin32 port
- cygwin32/perlld Cygwin32 port
- deb.c Debugging routines
- djgpp/config.over DOS/DJGPP port
- djgpp/configure.bat DOS/DJGPP port
- djgpp/djgpp.c DOS/DJGPP port
- djgpp/djgppsed.sh DOS/DJGPP port
- djgpp/fixpmain DOS/DJGPP port
- doio.c I/O operations
- doop.c Support code for various operations
- dosish.h Some defines for MS/DOSish machines
- dump.c Debugging output
- ebcdic.c EBCDIC support routines
- eg/ADB An adb wrapper to put in your crash dir
- eg/README Intro to example perl scripts
- eg/cgi/RunMeFirst Setup script for CGI examples
- eg/cgi/caution.xbm CGI example
- eg/cgi/clickable_image.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/cookie.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/crash.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/customize.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/diff_upload.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/dna.small.gif.uu Small image for CGI examples
- eg/cgi/file_upload.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/frameset.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/index.html Index page for CGI examples
- eg/cgi/internal_links.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/javascript.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/monty.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/multiple_forms.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/nph-clock.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/nph-multipart.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/popup.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/save_state.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/tryit.cgi CGI example
- eg/cgi/wilogo.gif.uu Small image for CGI examples
- eg/changes A program to list recently changed files
- eg/client A sample client
- eg/down A program to do things to subdirectories
- eg/dus A program to do du -s on non-mounted dirs
- eg/findcp A find wrapper that implements a -cp switch
- eg/findtar A find wrapper that pumps out a tar file
- eg/g/gcp A program to do a global rcp
- eg/g/gcp.man Manual page for gcp
- eg/g/ged A program to do a global edit
- eg/g/ghosts A sample /etc/ghosts file
- eg/g/gsh A program to do a global rsh
- eg/g/gsh.man Manual page for gsh
- eg/muck A program to find missing make dependencies
- eg/muck.man Manual page for muck
- eg/myrup A program to find lightly loaded machines
- eg/nih Script to insert #! workaround
- eg/relink A program to change symbolic links
- eg/rename A program to rename files
- eg/rmfrom A program to feed doomed filenames to
- eg/scan/scan_df Scan for filesystem anomalies
- eg/scan/scan_last Scan for login anomalies
- eg/scan/scan_messages Scan for console message anomalies
- eg/scan/scan_passwd Scan for passwd file anomalies
- eg/scan/scan_ps Scan for process anomalies
- eg/scan/scan_sudo Scan for sudo anomalies
- eg/scan/scan_suid Scan for setuid anomalies
- eg/scan/scanner An anomaly reporter
- eg/server A sample server
- eg/shmkill A program to remove unused shared memory
- eg/sysvipc/README Intro to Sys V IPC examples
- eg/sysvipc/ipcmsg Example of SYS V IPC message queues
- eg/sysvipc/ipcsem Example of Sys V IPC semaphores
- eg/sysvipc/ipcshm Example of Sys V IPC shared memory
- eg/travesty A program to print travesties of its input text
- eg/unuc Un-uppercases an all-uppercase text
- eg/uudecode A version of uudecode
- eg/van/empty A program to empty the trashcan
- eg/van/unvanish A program to undo what vanish does
- eg/van/vanexp A program to expire vanished files
- eg/van/vanish A program to put files in a trashcan
- eg/who A sample who program
- eg/wrapsuid A setuid script wrapper generator
- emacs/cperl-mode.el An alternate perl-mode
- emacs/ptags Creates smart TAGS file
- embed.h Maps symbols to safer names
- embed.pl Produces embed.h
- embedvar.h C namespace management
- ext/B/B.pm Compiler backend support functions and methods
- ext/B/B.xs Compiler backend external subroutines
- ext/B/B/Asmdata.pm Compiler backend data for assembler
- ext/B/B/Assembler.pm Compiler backend assembler support functions
- ext/B/B/Bblock.pm Compiler basic block analysis support
- ext/B/B/Bytecode.pm Compiler Bytecode backend
- ext/B/B/C.pm Compiler C backend
- ext/B/B/CC.pm Compiler CC backend
- ext/B/B/Debug.pm Compiler Debug backend
- ext/B/B/Deparse.pm Compiler Deparse backend
- ext/B/B/Disassembler.pm Compiler Disassembler backend
- ext/B/B/Lint.pm Compiler Lint backend
- ext/B/B/Showlex.pm Compiler Showlex backend
- ext/B/B/Stackobj.pm Compiler stack objects support functions
- ext/B/B/Terse.pm Compiler Terse backend
- ext/B/B/Xref.pm Compiler Xref backend
- ext/B/B/assemble Assemble compiler bytecode
- ext/B/B/cc_harness Simplistic wrapper for using -MO=CC compiler
- ext/B/B/disassemble Disassemble compiler bytecode output
- ext/B/B/makeliblinks Make a simplistic XSUB .so symlink tree for compiler
- ext/B/Makefile.PL Compiler backend makefile writer
- ext/B/NOTES Compiler backend notes
- ext/B/O.pm Compiler front-end module (-MO=...)
- ext/B/README Compiler backend README
- ext/B/TESTS Compiler backend test data
- ext/B/Todo Compiler backend Todo list
- ext/B/byteperl.c Bytecode runner
- ext/B/ramblings/cc.notes Compiler ramblings: notes on CC backend
- ext/B/ramblings/curcop.runtime Compiler ramblings: notes on curcop use
- ext/B/ramblings/flip-flop Compiler ramblings: notes on flip-flop
- ext/B/ramblings/magic Compiler ramblings: notes on magic
- ext/B/ramblings/reg.alloc Compiler ramblings: register allocation
- ext/B/ramblings/runtime.porting Compiler ramblings: porting PP enging
- ext/B/typemap Compiler backend interface types
- ext/DB_File/Changes Berkeley DB extension change log
- ext/DB_File/DB_File.pm Berkeley DB extension Perl module
- ext/DB_File/DB_File.xs Berkeley DB extension external subroutines
- ext/DB_File/DB_File_BS Berkeley DB extension mkbootstrap fodder
- ext/DB_File/Makefile.PL Berkeley DB extension makefile writer
- ext/DB_File/dbinfo Berkeley DB database version checker
- ext/DB_File/typemap Berkeley DB extension interface types
- ext/Data/Dumper/Changes Data pretty printer, changelog
- ext/Data/Dumper/Dumper.pm Data pretty printer, module
- ext/Data/Dumper/Dumper.xs Data pretty printer, externals
- ext/Data/Dumper/Makefile.PL Data pretty printer, makefile writer
- ext/Data/Dumper/Todo Data pretty printer, futures
- ext/DynaLoader/DynaLoader_pm.PL Dynamic Loader perl module
- ext/DynaLoader/Makefile.PL Dynamic Loader makefile writer
- ext/DynaLoader/README Dynamic Loader notes and intro
- ext/DynaLoader/dl_aix.xs AIX implementation
- ext/DynaLoader/dl_cygwin32.xs Cygwin32 implementation
- ext/DynaLoader/dl_dld.xs GNU dld style implementation
- ext/DynaLoader/dl_dlopen.xs BSD/SunOS4&5 dlopen() style implementation
- ext/DynaLoader/dl_hpux.xs HP-UX implementation
- ext/DynaLoader/dl_mpeix.xs MPE/iX implementation
- ext/DynaLoader/dl_next.xs Next implementation
- ext/DynaLoader/dl_none.xs Stub implementation
- ext/DynaLoader/dl_vms.xs VMS implementation
- ext/DynaLoader/dlutils.c Dynamic loader utilities for dl_*.xs files
- ext/Errno/ChangeLog Errno perl module change log
- ext/Errno/Errno_pm.PL Errno perl module create script
- ext/Errno/Makefile.PL Errno extension makefile writer
- ext/Fcntl/Fcntl.pm Fcntl extension Perl module
- ext/Fcntl/Fcntl.xs Fcntl extension external subroutines
- ext/Fcntl/Makefile.PL Fcntl extension makefile writer
- ext/GDBM_File/GDBM_File.pm GDBM extension Perl module
- ext/GDBM_File/GDBM_File.xs GDBM extension external subroutines
- ext/GDBM_File/Makefile.PL GDBM extension makefile writer
- ext/GDBM_File/typemap GDBM extension interface types
- ext/IO/IO.pm Top-level interface to IO::* classes
- ext/IO/IO.xs IO extension external subroutines
- ext/IO/Makefile.PL IO extension makefile writer
- ext/IO/README IO extension maintenance notice
- ext/IO/lib/IO/File.pm IO::File extension Perl module
- ext/IO/lib/IO/Handle.pm IO::Handle extension Perl module
- ext/IO/lib/IO/Pipe.pm IO::Pipe extension Perl module
- ext/IO/lib/IO/Seekable.pm IO::Seekable extension Perl module
- ext/IO/lib/IO/Select.pm IO::Select extension Perl module
- ext/IO/lib/IO/Socket.pm IO::Socket extension Perl module
- ext/IPC/SysV/ChangeLog IPC::SysV extension Perl module
- ext/IPC/SysV/MANIFEST IPC::SysV extension Perl module
- ext/IPC/SysV/Makefile.PL IPC::SysV extension Perl module
- ext/IPC/SysV/Msg.pm IPC::SysV extension Perl module
- ext/IPC/SysV/README IPC::SysV extension Perl module
- ext/IPC/SysV/Semaphore.pm IPC::SysV extension Perl module
- ext/IPC/SysV/SysV.pm IPC::SysV extension Perl module
- ext/IPC/SysV/SysV.xs IPC::SysV extension Perl module
- ext/IPC/SysV/t/msg.t IPC::SysV extension Perl module
- ext/IPC/SysV/t/sem.t IPC::SysV extension Perl module
- ext/NDBM_File/Makefile.PL NDBM extension makefile writer
- ext/NDBM_File/NDBM_File.pm NDBM extension Perl module
- ext/NDBM_File/NDBM_File.xs NDBM extension external subroutines
- ext/NDBM_File/hints/dec_osf.pl Hint for NDBM_File for named architecture
- ext/NDBM_File/hints/dynixptx.pl Hint for NDBM_File for named architecture
- ext/NDBM_File/hints/solaris.pl Hint for NDBM_File for named architecture
- ext/NDBM_File/hints/svr4.pl Hint for NDBM_File for named architecture
- ext/NDBM_File/typemap NDBM extension interface types
- ext/ODBM_File/Makefile.PL ODBM extension makefile writer
- ext/ODBM_File/ODBM_File.pm ODBM extension Perl module
- ext/ODBM_File/ODBM_File.xs ODBM extension external subroutines
- ext/ODBM_File/hints/dec_osf.pl Hint for ODBM_File for named architecture
- ext/ODBM_File/hints/hpux.pl Hint for ODBM_File for named architecture
- ext/ODBM_File/hints/sco.pl Hint for ODBM_File for named architecture
- ext/ODBM_File/hints/solaris.pl Hint for ODBM_File for named architecture
- ext/ODBM_File/hints/svr4.pl Hint for ODBM_File for named architecture
- ext/ODBM_File/hints/ultrix.pl Hint for ODBM_File for named architecture
- ext/ODBM_File/typemap ODBM extension interface types
- ext/Opcode/Makefile.PL Opcode extension makefile writer
- ext/Opcode/Opcode.pm Opcode extension Perl module
- ext/Opcode/Opcode.xs Opcode extension external subroutines
- ext/Opcode/Safe.pm Safe extension Perl module
- ext/Opcode/ops.pm "Pragma" form of Opcode extension Perl module
- ext/POSIX/Makefile.PL POSIX extension makefile writer
- ext/POSIX/POSIX.pm POSIX extension Perl module
- ext/POSIX/POSIX.pod POSIX extension documentation
- ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs POSIX extension external subroutines
- ext/POSIX/hints/bsdos.pl Hint for POSIX for named architecture
- ext/POSIX/hints/freebsd.pl Hint for POSIX for named architecture
- ext/POSIX/hints/linux.pl Hint for POSIX for named architecture
- ext/POSIX/hints/netbsd.pl Hint for POSIX for named architecture
- ext/POSIX/hints/next_3.pl Hint for POSIX for named architecture
- ext/POSIX/hints/openbsd.pl Hint for POSIX for named architecture
- ext/POSIX/hints/sunos_4.pl Hint for POSIX for named architecture
- ext/POSIX/typemap POSIX extension interface types
- ext/SDBM_File/Makefile.PL SDBM extension makefile writer
- ext/SDBM_File/SDBM_File.pm SDBM extension Perl module
- ext/SDBM_File/SDBM_File.xs SDBM extension external subroutines
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/CHANGES SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/COMPARE SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/Makefile.PL SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/README SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/README.too SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/biblio SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/dba.c SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/dbd.c SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/dbe.1 SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/dbe.c SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/dbm.c SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/dbm.h SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/dbu.c SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/grind SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/hash.c SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/linux.patches SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/makefile.sdbm SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/pair.c SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/pair.h SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/readme.ms SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.3 SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.c SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.h SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/tune.h SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/util.c SDBM kit
- ext/SDBM_File/typemap SDBM extension interface types
- ext/Socket/Makefile.PL Socket extension makefile writer
- ext/Socket/Socket.pm Socket extension Perl module
- ext/Socket/Socket.xs Socket extension external subroutines
- ext/Thread/Makefile.PL Thread extension makefile writer
- ext/Thread/Notes Thread notes
- ext/Thread/README Thread README
- ext/Thread/Thread.pm Thread extension Perl module
- ext/Thread/Thread.xs Thread extension external subroutines
- ext/Thread/Thread/Queue.pm Thread synchronised queue objects
- ext/Thread/Thread/Semaphore.pm Thread semaphore objects
- ext/Thread/Thread/Signal.pm Start a thread to run signal handlers
- ext/Thread/Thread/Specific.pm Thread specific data access
- ext/Thread/create.t Test thread creation
- ext/Thread/die.t Test thread die()
- ext/Thread/die2.t Test thread die() differently
- ext/Thread/io.t Test threads doing simple I/O
- ext/Thread/join.t Test thread joining
- ext/Thread/join2.t Test thread joining differently
- ext/Thread/list.t Test getting list of all threads
- ext/Thread/lock.t Test lock primitive
- ext/Thread/queue.t Test Thread::Queue module
- ext/Thread/specific.t Test thread-specific user data
- ext/Thread/sync.t Test thread synchronisation
- ext/Thread/sync2.t Test thread synchronisation
- ext/Thread/typemap Thread extension interface types
- ext/Thread/unsync.t Test thread implicit synchronisation
- ext/Thread/unsync2.t Test thread implicit synchronisation
- ext/Thread/unsync3.t Test thread implicit synchronisation
- ext/Thread/unsync4.t Test thread implicit synchronisation
- ext/attrs/Makefile.PL attrs extension makefile writer
- ext/attrs/attrs.pm attrs extension Perl module
- ext/attrs/attrs.xs attrs extension external subroutines
- ext/re/Makefile.PL re extension makefile writer
- ext/re/hints/mpeix.pl Hints for re for named architecture
- ext/re/re.pm re extension Perl module
- ext/re/re.xs re extension external subroutines
- ext/util/make_ext Used by Makefile to execute extension Makefiles
- ext/util/mkbootstrap Turns ext/*/*_BS into bootstrap info
- fakethr.h Fake threads header
- form.h Public declarations for the above
- global.sym Symbols that need hiding when embedded
- globals.c File to declare global symbols (for shared library)
- gv.c Glob value code
- gv.h Glob value header
- h2pl/README How to turn .ph files into .pl files
- h2pl/cbreak.pl cbreak routines using .ph
- h2pl/cbreak2.pl cbreak routines using .pl
- h2pl/eg/sizeof.ph Sample sizeof array initialization
- h2pl/eg/sys/errno.pl Sample translated errno.pl
- h2pl/eg/sys/ioctl.pl Sample translated ioctl.pl
- h2pl/eg/sysexits.pl Sample translated sysexits.pl
- h2pl/getioctlsizes Program to extract types from ioctl.h
- h2pl/mksizes Program to make %sizeof array
- h2pl/mkvars Program to make .pl from .ph files
- h2pl/tcbreak cbreak test routine using .ph
- h2pl/tcbreak2 cbreak test routine using .pl
- handy.h Handy definitions
- hints/3b1.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/3b1cc Hints for named architecture
- hints/README.hints Notes about hints
- hints/aix.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/altos486.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/amigaos.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/apollo.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/aux_3.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/beos.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/broken-db.msg Warning message for systems with broken DB library
- hints/bsdos.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/convexos.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/cxux.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/cygwin32.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/dcosx.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/dec_osf.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/dgux.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/dos_djgpp.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/dynix.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/dynixptx.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/epix.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/esix4.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/fps.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/freebsd.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/genix.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/greenhills.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/hpux.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/i386.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/irix_4.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/irix_5.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/irix_6.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/irix_6_0.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/irix_6_1.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/isc.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/isc_2.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/linux.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/lynxos.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/machten.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/machten_2.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/mips.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/mpc.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/mpeix.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/ncr_tower.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/netbsd.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/newsos4.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/next_3.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/next_3_0.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/next_4.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/openbsd.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/opus.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/os2.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/os390.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/powerux.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/qnx.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/sco.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/sco_2_3_0.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/sco_2_3_1.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/sco_2_3_2.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/sco_2_3_3.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/sco_2_3_4.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/solaris_2.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/stellar.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/sunos_4_0.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/sunos_4_1.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/svr4.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/ti1500.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/titanos.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/ultrix_4.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/umips.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/unicos.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/unicosmk.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/unisysdynix.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/utekv.sh Hints for named architecture
- hints/uts.sh Hints for named architecture
- hv.c Hash value code
- hv.h Hash value header
- installhtml Perl script to install html files for pods
- installman Perl script to install man pages for pods
- installperl Perl script to do "make install" dirty work
- interp.sym Interpreter specific symbols to hide in a struct
- intrpvar.h Variables held in each interpreter instance
- iperlsys.h Perl's interface to the system
- keywords.h The keyword numbers
- keywords.pl Program to write keywords.h
- lib/AnyDBM_File.pm Perl module to emulate dbmopen
- lib/AutoLoader.pm Autoloader base class
- lib/AutoSplit.pm Split up autoload functions
- lib/Benchmark.pm Measure execution time
- lib/CGI.pm Web server interface ("Common Gateway Interface")
- lib/CGI/Apache.pm Support for Apache's Perl module
- lib/CGI/Carp.pm Log server errors with helpful context
- lib/CGI/Cookie.pm Interface to Netscape Cookies
- lib/CGI/Fast.pm Support for FastCGI (persistent server process)
- lib/CGI/Push.pm Support for server push
- lib/CGI/Switch.pm Simple interface for multiple server types
- lib/CPAN.pm Interface to Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
- lib/CPAN/FirstTime.pm Utility for creating CPAN config files
- lib/CPAN/Nox.pm Runs CPAN while avoiding compiled extensions
- lib/Carp.pm Error message base class
- lib/Class/Struct.pm Declare struct-like datatypes as Perl classes
- lib/Cwd.pm Various cwd routines (getcwd, fastcwd, chdir)
- lib/Devel/SelfStubber.pm Generate stubs for SelfLoader.pm
- lib/DirHandle.pm like FileHandle only for directories
- lib/English.pm Readable aliases for short variables
- lib/Env.pm Map environment into ordinary variables
- lib/Exporter.pm Exporter base class
- lib/ExtUtils/Command.pm Utilities for Make on non-UNIX platforms
- lib/ExtUtils/Embed.pm Utilities for embedding Perl in C programs
- lib/ExtUtils/Install.pm Handles 'make install' on extensions
- lib/ExtUtils/Installed.pm Information on installed extensions
- lib/ExtUtils/Liblist.pm Locates libraries
- lib/ExtUtils/MM_OS2.pm MakeMaker methods for OS/2
- lib/ExtUtils/MM_Unix.pm MakeMaker base class for Unix
- lib/ExtUtils/MM_VMS.pm MakeMaker methods for VMS
- lib/ExtUtils/MM_Win32.pm MakeMaker methods for Win32
- lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm Write Makefiles for extensions
- lib/ExtUtils/Manifest.pm Utilities to write MANIFEST files
- lib/ExtUtils/Mkbootstrap.pm Writes a bootstrap file (see MakeMaker)
- lib/ExtUtils/Mksymlists.pm Writes a linker options file for extensions
- lib/ExtUtils/Packlist.pm Manipulates .packlist files
- lib/ExtUtils/inst Give information about installed extensions
- lib/ExtUtils/testlib.pm Fixes up @INC to use just-built extension
- lib/ExtUtils/typemap Extension interface types
- lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp External subroutine preprocessor
- lib/Fatal.pm Make errors in functions/builtins fatal
- lib/File/Basename.pm Emulate the basename program
- lib/File/CheckTree.pm Perl module supporting wholesale file mode validation
- lib/File/Compare.pm Emulation of cmp command
- lib/File/Copy.pm Emulation of cp command
- lib/File/DosGlob.pm Win32 DOS-globbing module
- lib/File/Find.pm Routines to do a find
- lib/File/Path.pm Do things like `mkdir -p' and `rm -r'
- lib/File/Spec.pm portable operations on file names
- lib/File/Spec/Mac.pm portable operations on Mac file names
- lib/File/Spec/OS2.pm portable operations on OS2 file names
- lib/File/Spec/Unix.pm portable operations on Unix file names
- lib/File/Spec/VMS.pm portable operations on VMS file names
- lib/File/Spec/Win32.pm portable operations on Win32 file names
- lib/File/stat.pm By-name interface to Perl's builtin stat
- lib/FileCache.pm Keep more files open than the system permits
- lib/FileHandle.pm Backward-compatible front end to IO extension
- lib/FindBin.pm Find name of currently executing program
- lib/Getopt/Long.pm Fetch command options (GetOptions)
- lib/Getopt/Std.pm Fetch command options (getopt, getopts)
- lib/I18N/Collate.pm Routines to do strxfrm-based collation
- lib/IPC/Open2.pm Open a two-ended pipe
- lib/IPC/Open3.pm Open a three-ended pipe!
- lib/Math/BigFloat.pm An arbitrary precision floating-point arithmetic package
- lib/Math/BigInt.pm An arbitrary precision integer arithmetic package
- lib/Math/Complex.pm A Complex package
- lib/Math/Trig.pm A simple interface to complex trigonometry
- lib/Net/Ping.pm Hello, anybody home?
- lib/Net/hostent.pm By-name interface to Perl's builtin gethost*
- lib/Net/netent.pm By-name interface to Perl's builtin getnet*
- lib/Net/protoent.pm By-name interface to Perl's builtin getproto*
- lib/Net/servent.pm By-name interface to Perl's builtin getserv*
- lib/Pod/Functions.pm used by pod/splitpod
- lib/Pod/Html.pm Convert POD data to HTML
- lib/Pod/Text.pm Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
- lib/Search/Dict.pm Perform binary search on dictionaries
- lib/SelectSaver.pm Enforce proper select scoping
- lib/SelfLoader.pm Load functions only on demand
- lib/Shell.pm Make AUTOLOADed system() calls
- lib/Symbol.pm Symbol table manipulation routines
- lib/Sys/Hostname.pm Hostname methods
- lib/Sys/Syslog.pm Perl module supporting syslogging
- lib/Term/Cap.pm Perl module supporting termcap usage
- lib/Term/Complete.pm A command completion subroutine
- lib/Term/ReadLine.pm Stub readline library
- lib/Test.pm A simple framework for writing test scripts
- lib/Test/Harness.pm A test harness
- lib/Text/Abbrev.pm An abbreviation table builder
- lib/Text/ParseWords.pm Perl module to split words on arbitrary delimiter
- lib/Text/Soundex.pm Perl module to implement Soundex
- lib/Text/Tabs.pm Do expand and unexpand
- lib/Text/Wrap.pm Paragraph formatter
- lib/Tie/Array.pm Base class for tied arrays
- lib/Tie/Handle.pm Base class for tied handles
- lib/Tie/Hash.pm Base class for tied hashes
- lib/Tie/RefHash.pm Base class for tied hashes with references as keys
- lib/Tie/Scalar.pm Base class for tied scalars
- lib/Tie/SubstrHash.pm Compact hash for known key, value and table size
- lib/Time/Local.pm Reverse translation of localtime, gmtime
- lib/Time/gmtime.pm By-name interface to Perl's builtin gmtime
- lib/Time/localtime.pm By-name interface to Perl's builtin localtime
- lib/Time/tm.pm Internal object for Time::{gm,local}time
- lib/UNIVERSAL.pm Base class for ALL classes
- lib/User/grent.pm By-name interface to Perl's builtin getgr*
- lib/User/pwent.pm By-name interface to Perl's builtin getpw*
- lib/abbrev.pl An abbreviation table builder
- lib/assert.pl assertion and panic with stack trace
- lib/autouse.pm Load and call a function only when it's used
- lib/base.pm Establish IS-A relationship at compile time
- lib/bigfloat.pl An arbitrary precision floating point package
- lib/bigint.pl An arbitrary precision integer arithmetic package
- lib/bigrat.pl An arbitrary precision rational arithmetic package
- lib/blib.pm For "use blib"
- lib/cacheout.pl Manages output filehandles when you need too many
- lib/chat2.pl Obsolete ipc library (use Comm.pm etc instead)
- lib/complete.pl A command completion subroutine
- lib/constant.pm For "use constant"
- lib/ctime.pl A ctime workalike
- lib/diagnostics.pm Print verbose diagnostics
- lib/dotsh.pl Code to "dot" in a shell script
- lib/dumpvar.pl A variable dumper
- lib/exceptions.pl catch and throw routines
- lib/fastcwd.pl a faster but more dangerous getcwd
- lib/fields.pm Set up object field names for pseudo-hash-using classes
- lib/find.pl A find emulator--used by find2perl
- lib/finddepth.pl A depth-first find emulator--used by find2perl
- lib/flush.pl Routines to do single flush
- lib/ftp.pl FTP code (obsolete, use Net::FTP instead)
- lib/getcwd.pl A getcwd() emulator
- lib/getopt.pl Perl library supporting option parsing
- lib/getopts.pl Perl library supporting option parsing
- lib/hostname.pl Old hostname code
- lib/importenv.pl Perl routine to get environment into variables
- lib/integer.pm For "use integer"
- lib/less.pm For "use less"
- lib/lib.pm For "use lib"
- lib/locale.pm For "use locale"
- lib/look.pl A "look" equivalent
- lib/newgetopt.pl A perl library supporting long option parsing
- lib/open2.pl Open a two-ended pipe (uses IPC::Open2)
- lib/open3.pl Open a three-ended pipe (uses IPC::Open3)
- lib/overload.pm Module for overloading perl operators
- lib/perl5db.pl Perl debugging routines
- lib/pwd.pl Routines to keep track of PWD environment variable
- lib/shellwords.pl Perl library to split into words with shell quoting
- lib/sigtrap.pm For trapping an abort and giving traceback
- lib/stat.pl Perl library supporting stat function
- lib/strict.pm For "use strict"
- lib/subs.pm Declare overriding subs
- lib/syslog.pl Perl library supporting syslogging
- lib/tainted.pl Old code for tainting
- lib/termcap.pl Perl library supporting termcap usage
- lib/timelocal.pl Perl library supporting inverse of localtime, gmtime
- lib/validate.pl Perl library supporting wholesale file mode validation
- lib/vars.pm Declare pseudo-imported global variables
- makeaperl.SH perl script that produces a new perl binary
- makedepend.SH Precursor to makedepend
- makedir.SH Precursor to makedir
- malloc.c A version of malloc you might not want
- mg.c Magic code
- mg.h Magic header
- minimod.pl Writes lib/ExtUtils/Miniperl.pm
- miniperlmain.c Basic perl w/o dynamic loading or extensions
- mpeix/mpeixish.h MPE/iX port
- mpeix/nm MPE/iX port
- mpeix/relink MPE/iX port
- mv-if-diff Script to mv a file if it changed
- myconfig Prints summary of the current configuration
- nostdio.h Cause compile error on stdio calls
- objpp.h Scoping macros for Perl Object
- op.c Opcode syntax tree code
- op.h Opcode syntax tree header
- opcode.h Automatically generated opcode header
- opcode.pl Opcode header generatore
- os2/Changes Changelog for OS/2 port
- os2/Makefile.SHs Shared library generation for OS/2
- os2/OS2/ExtAttr/Changes EA access module
- os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ExtAttr.pm EA access module
- os2/OS2/ExtAttr/ExtAttr.xs EA access module
- os2/OS2/ExtAttr/MANIFEST EA access module
- os2/OS2/ExtAttr/Makefile.PL EA access module
- os2/OS2/ExtAttr/myea.h EA access module
- os2/OS2/ExtAttr/t/os2_ea.t EA access module
- os2/OS2/ExtAttr/typemap EA access module
- os2/OS2/PrfDB/Changes System database access module
- os2/OS2/PrfDB/MANIFEST System database access module
- os2/OS2/PrfDB/Makefile.PL System database access module
- os2/OS2/PrfDB/PrfDB.pm System database access module
- os2/OS2/PrfDB/PrfDB.xs System database access module
- os2/OS2/PrfDB/t/os2_prfdb.t System database access module
- os2/OS2/PrfDB/typemap System database access module
- os2/OS2/Process/MANIFEST system() constants in a module
- os2/OS2/Process/Makefile.PL system() constants in a module
- os2/OS2/Process/Process.pm system() constants in a module
- os2/OS2/Process/Process.xs system() constants in a module
- os2/OS2/REXX/Changes DLL access module
- os2/OS2/REXX/MANIFEST DLL access module
- os2/OS2/REXX/Makefile.PL DLL access module
- os2/OS2/REXX/REXX.pm DLL access module
- os2/OS2/REXX/REXX.xs DLL access module
- os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_cmprt.t DLL access module
- os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_dllld.t DLL access module
- os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_objcall.t DLL access module
- os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_sql.test DLL access module
- os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_tiesql.test DLL access module
- os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_tievar.t DLL access module
- os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_tieydb.t DLL access module
- os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_varset.t DLL access module
- os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_vrexx.t DLL access module
- os2/POSIX.mkfifo POSIX.xs patch
- os2/diff.configure Patches to Configure
- os2/dl_os2.c Addon for dl_open
- os2/dlfcn.h Addon for dl_open
- os2/os2.c Additional code for OS/2
- os2/os2.sym Additional symbols to export
- os2/os2ish.h Header for OS/2
- os2/os2thread.h pthread-like typedefs
- os2/perl2cmd.pl Corrects installed binaries under OS/2
- patchlevel.h The current patch level of perl
- perl.c main()
- perl.h Global declarations
- perl_exp.SH Creates list of exported symbols for AIX
- perlio.c C code for PerlIO abstraction
- perlio.h compatibility stub
- perlio.sym Symbols for PerlIO abstraction
- perlsdio.h Fake stdio using perlio
- perlsfio.h Prototype sfio mapping for PerlIO
- perlsh A poor man's perl shell
- perlvars.h Global variables
- perly.c A byacc'ed perly.y
- perly_c.diff Fixup perly.c to allow recursion
- perly.fixer A program to remove yacc stack limitations
- perly.h The header file for perly.c
- perly.y Yacc grammar for perl
- plan9/aperl Shell to make Perl error messages Acme-friendly
- plan9/arpa/inet.h Plan9 port: replacement C header file
- plan9/buildinfo Plan9 port: configuration information
- plan9/config.plan9 Plan9 port: config.h template
- plan9/exclude Plan9 port: tests to skip
- plan9/fndvers Plan9 port: update Perl version in config.plan9
- plan9/genconfig.pl Plan9 port: generate config.sh
- plan9/mkfile Plan9 port: Mk driver for build
- plan9/myconfig.plan9 Plan9 port: script to print config summary
- plan9/perlplan9.doc Plan9 port: Plan9-specific formatted documentation
- plan9/perlplan9.pod Plan9 port: Plan9-specific pod documentation
- plan9/plan9.c Plan9 port: Plan9-specific C routines
- plan9/plan9ish.h Plan9 port: Plan9-specific C header file
- plan9/setup.rc Plan9 port: script for easy build+install
- plan9/versnum Plan9 port: script to print version number
- pod/Makefile Make pods into something else
- pod/buildtoc generate perltoc.pod
- pod/checkpods.PL Tool to check for common errors in pods
- pod/perl.pod Top level perl man page
- pod/perlapio.pod IO API info
- pod/perlbook.pod Book info
- pod/perlbot.pod Object-oriented Bag o' Tricks
- pod/perlcall.pod Callback info
- pod/perldata.pod Data structure info
- pod/perldebug.pod Debugger info
- pod/perldelta.pod Changes since last version
- pod/perl5004delta.pod Changes from 5.003 to 5.004
- pod/perldiag.pod Diagnostic info
- pod/perldsc.pod Data Structures Cookbook
- pod/perlembed.pod Embedding info
- pod/perlfaq.pod Frequently Asked Questions, Top Level
- pod/perlfaq1.pod Frequently Asked Questions, Part 1
- pod/perlfaq2.pod Frequently Asked Questions, Part 2
- pod/perlfaq3.pod Frequently Asked Questions, Part 3
- pod/perlfaq4.pod Frequently Asked Questions, Part 4
- pod/perlfaq5.pod Frequently Asked Questions, Part 5
- pod/perlfaq6.pod Frequently Asked Questions, Part 6
- pod/perlfaq7.pod Frequently Asked Questions, Part 7
- pod/perlfaq8.pod Frequently Asked Questions, Part 8
- pod/perlfaq9.pod Frequently Asked Questions, Part 9
- pod/perlform.pod Format info
- pod/perlfunc.pod Function info
- pod/perlguts.pod Internals info
- pod/perlhist.pod Perl history info
- pod/perlipc.pod IPC info
- pod/perllocale.pod Locale support info
- pod/perllol.pod How to use lists of lists
- pod/perlmod.pod Module mechanism info
- pod/perlmodinstall.pod Installing CPAN Modules
- pod/perlmodlib.pod Module policy info
- pod/perlobj.pod Object info
- pod/perlop.pod Operator info
- pod/perlpod.pod Pod info
- pod/perlport.pod Portability guide
- pod/perlre.pod Regular expression info
- pod/perlref.pod References info
- pod/perlrun.pod Execution info
- pod/perlsec.pod Security info
- pod/perlstyle.pod Style info
- pod/perlsub.pod Subroutine info
- pod/perlsyn.pod Syntax info
- pod/perltie.pod Tieing an object class into a simple variable
- pod/perltoc.pod Table of Contents info
- pod/perltoot.pod Tom's object-oriented tutorial
- pod/perltrap.pod Trap info
- pod/perlvar.pod Variable info
- pod/perlxs.pod XS api info
- pod/perlxstut.pod XS tutorial
- pod/pod2html.PL Precursor for translator to turn pod into HTML
- pod/pod2latex.PL Precursor for translator to turn pod into LaTeX
- pod/pod2man.PL Precursor for translator to turn pod into manpage
- pod/pod2text.PL Precursor for translator to turn pod into text
- pod/roffitall troff the whole man page set
- pod/rofftoc Generate a table of contents in troff format
- pod/splitman Splits perlfunc into multiple man pages
- pod/splitpod Splits perlfunc into multiple pod pages
- pp.c Push/Pop code
- pp.h Push/Pop code defs
- pp_ctl.c Push/Pop code for control flow
- pp_hot.c Push/Pop code for heavily used opcodes
- pp_proto.h C++ definitions for Push/Pop code
- pp_sys.c Push/Pop code for system interaction
- proto.h Prototypes
- qnx/ar QNX implementation of "ar" utility
- qnx/cpp QNX implementation of preprocessor filter
- regcomp.c Regular expression compiler
- regcomp.h Private declarations for above
- regcomp.pl Builder of regnodes.h
- regcomp.sym Data for regnodes.h
- regexec.c Regular expression evaluator
- regexp.h Public declarations for the above
- regnodes.h Description of nodes of RE engine
- run.c The interpreter loop
- scope.c Scope entry and exit code
- scope.h Scope entry and exit header
- sv.c Scalar value code
- sv.h Scalar value header
- t/README Instructions for regression tests
- t/TEST The regression tester
- t/base/cond.t See if conditionals work
- t/base/if.t See if if works
- t/base/lex.t See if lexical items work
- t/base/pat.t See if pattern matching works
- t/base/rs.t See if record-read works
- t/base/term.t See if various terms work
- t/cmd/elsif.t See if else-if works
- t/cmd/for.t See if for loops work
- t/cmd/mod.t See if statement modifiers work
- t/cmd/subval.t See if subroutine values work
- t/cmd/switch.t See if switch optimizations work
- t/cmd/while.t See if while loops work
- t/comp/cmdopt.t See if command optimization works
- t/comp/colon.t See if colons are parsed correctly
- t/comp/cpp.aux main file for cpp.t
- t/comp/cpp.t See if C preprocessor works
- t/comp/decl.t See if declarations work
- t/comp/multiline.t See if multiline strings work
- t/comp/package.t See if packages work
- t/comp/proto.t See if function prototypes work
- t/comp/redef.t See if we get correct warnings on redefined subs
- t/comp/require.t See if require works
- t/comp/script.t See if script invokation works
- t/comp/term.t See if more terms work
- t/comp/use.t See if pragmas work
- t/harness Finer diagnostics from test suite
- t/io/argv.t See if ARGV stuff works
- t/io/dup.t See if >& works right
- t/io/fs.t See if directory manipulations work
- t/io/inplace.t See if inplace editing works
- t/io/iprefix.t See if inplace editing works with prefixes
- t/io/pipe.t See if secure pipes work
- t/io/print.t See if print commands work
- t/io/read.t See if read works
- t/io/tell.t See if file seeking works
- t/lib/abbrev.t See if Text::Abbrev works
- t/lib/anydbm.t See if AnyDBM_File works
- t/lib/autoloader.t See if AutoLoader works
- t/lib/basename.t See if File::Basename works
- t/lib/bigint.t See if bigint.pl works
- t/lib/bigintpm.t See if BigInt.pm works
- t/lib/cgi-form.t See if CGI.pm works
- t/lib/cgi-function.t See if CGI.pm works
- t/lib/cgi-html.t See if CGI.pm works
- t/lib/cgi-request.t See if CGI.pm works
- t/lib/checktree.t See if File::CheckTree works
- t/lib/complex.t See if Math::Complex works
- t/lib/db-btree.t See if DB_File works
- t/lib/db-hash.t See if DB_File works
- t/lib/db-recno.t See if DB_File works
- t/lib/dirhand.t See if DirHandle works
- t/lib/dosglob.t See if File::DosGlob works
- t/lib/dumper-ovl.t See if Data::Dumper works for overloaded data
- t/lib/dumper.t See if Data::Dumper works
- t/lib/english.t See if English works
- t/lib/env.t See if Env works
- t/lib/errno.t See if Errno works
- t/lib/fields.t See if base/fields works
- t/lib/filecache.t See if FileCache works
- t/lib/filecopy.t See if File::Copy works
- t/lib/filefind.t See if File::Find works
- t/lib/filehand.t See if FileHandle works
- t/lib/filepath.t See if File::Path works
- t/lib/filespec.t See if File::Spec works
- t/lib/findbin.t See if FindBin works
- t/lib/gdbm.t See if GDBM_File works
- t/lib/getopt.t See if Getopt::Std and Getopt::Long works
- t/lib/h2ph.h Test header file for h2ph
- t/lib/h2ph.pht Generated output from h2ph.h by h2ph, for comparison
- t/lib/h2ph.t See if h2ph works like it should
- t/lib/hostname.t See if Sys::Hostname works
- t/lib/io_dup.t See if dup()-related methods from IO work
- t/lib/io_pipe.t See if pipe()-related methods from IO work
- t/lib/io_sel.t See if select()-related methods from IO work
- t/lib/io_sock.t See if INET socket-related methods from IO work
- t/lib/io_taint.t See if the untaint method from IO works
- t/lib/io_tell.t See if seek()/tell()-related methods from IO work
- t/lib/io_udp.t See if UDP socket-related methods from IO work
- t/lib/io_xs.t See if XSUB methods from IO work
- t/lib/ipc_sysv.t See if IPC::SysV works
- t/lib/ndbm.t See if NDBM_File works
- t/lib/odbm.t See if ODBM_File works
- t/lib/opcode.t See if Opcode works
- t/lib/open2.t See if IPC::Open2 works
- t/lib/open3.t See if IPC::Open3 works
- t/lib/ops.t See if Opcode works
- t/lib/parsewords.t See if Text::ParseWords works
- t/lib/ph.t See if h2ph works
- t/lib/posix.t See if POSIX works
- t/lib/safe1.t See if Safe works
- t/lib/safe2.t See if Safe works
- t/lib/sdbm.t See if SDBM_File works
- t/lib/searchdict.t See if Search::Dict works
- t/lib/selectsaver.t See if SelectSaver works
- t/lib/socket.t See if Socket works
- t/lib/soundex.t See if Soundex works
- t/lib/symbol.t See if Symbol works
- t/lib/texttabs.t See if Text::Tabs works
- t/lib/textwrap.t See if Text::Wrap works
- t/lib/thread.t Basic test of threading (skipped if no threads)
- t/lib/tie-push.t Test for Tie::Array
- t/lib/tie-stdarray.t Test for Tie::StdArray
- t/lib/tie-stdpush.t Test for Tie::StdArray
- t/lib/timelocal.t See if Time::Local works
- t/lib/trig.t See if Math::Trig works
- t/op/append.t See if . works
- t/op/arith.t See if arithmetic works
- t/op/array.t See if array operations work
- t/op/assignwarn.t See if OP= operators warn correctly for undef targets
- t/op/auto.t See if autoincrement et all work
- t/op/avhv.t See if pseudo-hashes work
- t/op/bop.t See if bitops work
- t/op/chop.t See if chop works
- t/op/closure.t See if closures work
- t/op/cmp.t See if the various string and numeric compare work
- t/op/cond.t See if conditional expressions work
- t/op/context.t See if context propagation works
- t/op/defins.t See if auto-insert of defined() works
- t/op/delete.t See if delete works
- t/op/die.t See if die works
- t/op/die_exit.t See if die and exit status interaction works
- t/op/do.t See if subroutines work
- t/op/each.t See if hash iterators work
- t/op/eval.t See if eval operator works
- t/op/exec.t See if exec and system work
- t/op/exp.t See if math functions work
- t/op/flip.t See if range operator works
- t/op/fork.t See if fork works
- t/op/glob.t See if <*> works
- t/op/goto.t See if goto works
- t/op/goto_xs.t See if "goto &sub" works on XSUBs
- t/op/groups.t See if $( works
- t/op/gv.t See if typeglobs work
- t/op/hashwarn.t See if warnings for bad hash assignments work
- t/op/inc.t See if inc/dec of integers near 32 bit limit work
- t/op/index.t See if index works
- t/op/int.t See if int works
- t/op/join.t See if join works
- t/op/list.t See if array lists work
- t/op/local.t See if local works
- t/op/magic.t See if magic variables work
- t/op/method.t See if method calls work
- t/op/misc.t See if miscellaneous bugs have been fixed
- t/op/mkdir.t See if mkdir works
- t/op/my.t See if lexical scoping works
- t/op/nothread.t local @_ test which does not work threaded
- t/op/oct.t See if oct and hex work
- t/op/ord.t See if ord works
- t/op/pack.t See if pack and unpack work
- t/op/pat.t See if esoteric patterns work
- t/op/pos.t See if pos works
- t/op/push.t See if push and pop work
- t/op/quotemeta.t See if quotemeta works
- t/op/rand.t See if rand works
- t/op/range.t See if .. works
- t/op/re_tests Regular expressions for regexp.t
- t/op/read.t See if read() works
- t/op/readdir.t See if readdir() works
- t/op/recurse.t See if deep recursion works
- t/op/ref.t See if refs and objects work
- t/op/regexp.t See if regular expressions work
- t/op/regexp_noamp.t See if regular expressions work with optimizations
- t/op/repeat.t See if x operator works
- t/op/runlevel.t See if die() works from perl_call_*()
- t/op/sleep.t See if sleep works
- t/op/sort.t See if sort works
- t/op/splice.t See if splice works
- t/op/split.t See if split works
- t/op/sprintf.t See if sprintf works
- t/op/stat.t See if stat works
- t/op/study.t See if study works
- t/op/subst.t See if substitution works
- t/op/substr.t See if substr works
- t/op/sysio.t See if sysread and syswrite work
- t/op/taint.t See if tainting works
- t/op/tie.t See if tie/untie functions work
- t/op/tiearray.t See if tie for arrays works
- t/op/tiehandle.t See if tie for handles works
- t/op/time.t See if time functions work
- t/op/undef.t See if undef works
- t/op/universal.t See if UNIVERSAL class works
- t/op/unshift.t See if unshift works
- t/op/vec.t See if vectors work
- t/op/wantarray.t See if wantarray works
- t/op/write.t See if write works
- t/pragma/constant.t See if compile-time constants work
- t/pragma/locale.t See if locale support (i18n and l10n) works
- t/pragma/overload.t See if operator overloading works
- t/pragma/strict-refs Tests of "use strict 'refs'" for strict.t
- t/pragma/strict-subs Tests of "use strict 'subs'" for strict.t
- t/pragma/strict-vars Tests of "use strict 'vars'" for strict.t
- t/pragma/strict.t See if strictures work
- t/pragma/subs.t See if subroutine pseudo-importation works
- t/pragma/warn-1global Tests of global warnings for warning.t
- t/pragma/warning.t See if warning controls work
- taint.c Tainting code
- thrdvar.h Per-thread variables
- thread.h Threading header
- thread.sym Symbols for threads
- toke.c The tokener
- universal.c The default UNIVERSAL package methods
- unixish.h Defines that are assumed on Unix
- util.c Utility routines
- util.h Dummy header
- utils/Makefile Extract the utility scripts
- utils/c2ph.PL program to translate dbx stabs to perl
- utils/h2ph.PL A thing to turn C .h files into perl .ph files
- utils/h2xs.PL Program to make .xs files from C header files
- utils/perlbug.PL A simple tool to submit a bug report
- utils/perlcc.PL Front-end for compiler
- utils/perldoc.PL A simple tool to find & display perl's documentation
- utils/pl2pm.PL A pl to pm translator
- utils/splain.PL Stand-alone version of diagnostics.pm
- vms/descrip_mms.template Template MM[SK] description file for build
- vms/ext/DCLsym/0README.txt ReadMe file for VMS::DCLsym
- vms/ext/DCLsym/DCLsym.pm Perl access to CLI symbols
- vms/ext/DCLsym/DCLsym.xs Perl access to CLI symbols
- vms/ext/DCLsym/Makefile.PL MakeMaker driver for VMS::DCLsym
- vms/ext/DCLsym/test.pl regression tests for VMS::DCLsym
- vms/ext/Filespec.pm VMS-Unix file syntax interconversion
- vms/ext/Stdio/0README.txt ReadMe file for VMS::Stdio
- vms/ext/Stdio/Makefile.PL MakeMaker driver for VMS::Stdio
- vms/ext/Stdio/Stdio.pm VMS options to stdio routines
- vms/ext/Stdio/Stdio.xs VMS options to stdio routines
- vms/ext/Stdio/test.pl regression tests for VMS::Stdio
- vms/ext/XSSymSet.pm manage linker symbols when building extensions
- vms/ext/filespec.t See if VMS::Filespec funtions work
- vms/ext/vmsish.pm Control VMS-specific behavior of Perl core
- vms/ext/vmsish.t Tests for vmsish.pm
- vms/gen_shrfls.pl generate options files and glue for shareable image
- vms/genconfig.pl retcon config.sh from config.h
- vms/genopt.com hack to write options files in case of broken makes
- vms/make_command.com record MM[SK] command used to build Perl
- vms/mms2make.pl convert descrip.mms to make syntax
- vms/munchconfig.c performs shell $var substitution for VMS
- vms/myconfig.com record local configuration info for bug report
- vms/perlvms.pod VMS-specific additions to Perl documentation
- vms/perly_c.vms perly.c with fixed declarations for global syms
- vms/perly_h.vms perly.h with fixed declarations for global syms
- vms/sockadapt.c glue for SockshShr socket support
- vms/sockadapt.h glue for SockshShr socket support
- vms/subconfigure.com performs compiler checks and writes config.sh, config.h, and descrip.mms
- vms/test.com DCL driver for regression tests
- vms/vms.c VMS-specific C code for Perl core
- vms/vms_yfix.pl convert Unix perly.[ch] to VMS perly_[ch].vms
- vms/vmsish.h VMS-specific C header for Perl core
- vms/writemain.pl Generate perlmain.c from miniperlmain.c+extensions
- win32/GenCAPI.pl Win32 port for C API with PERL_OBJECT
- win32/Makefile Win32 makefile for NMAKE (Visual C++ build)
- win32/TEST Win32 port
- win32/autosplit.pl Win32 port
- win32/bin/network.pl Win32 port
- win32/bin/perlglob.pl Win32 globbing
- win32/bin/pl2bat.pl wrap perl scripts into batch files
- win32/bin/runperl.pl run perl script via batch file namesake
- win32/bin/search.pl Win32 port
- win32/bin/webget.pl Win32 port
- win32/bin/www.pl Win32 port
- win32/config.bc Win32 base line config.sh (Borland C++ build)
- win32/config.gc Win32 base line config.sh (mingw32/gcc build)
- win32/config.vc Win32 base line config.sh (Visual C++ build)
- win32/config_H.bc Win32 config header (Borland C++ build)
- win32/config_H.gc Win32 config header (GNU build)?
- win32/config_H.vc Win32 config header (Visual C++ build)
- win32/config_h.PL Perl code to convert Win32 config.sh to config.h
- win32/config_sh.PL Perl code to update Win32 config.sh from Makefile
- win32/des_fcrypt.patch Win32 port
- win32/dl_win32.xs Win32 port
- win32/genxsdef.pl Win32 port
- win32/include/arpa/inet.h Win32 port
- win32/include/dirent.h Win32 port
- win32/include/netdb.h Win32 port
- win32/include/sys/socket.h Win32 port
- win32/makedef.pl Win32 port
- win32/makefile.mk Win32 makefile for DMAKE (BC++, VC++ builds)
- win32/makemain.pl Win32 port
- win32/makeperldef.pl Win32 port
- win32/perlglob.c Win32 port
- win32/perlhost.h Perl host implementation
- win32/perllib.c Win32 port
- win32/pod.mak Win32 port
- win32/runperl.c Win32 port
- win32/splittree.pl Win32 port
- win32/win32.c Win32 port
- win32/win32.h Win32 port
- win32/win32iop.h Win32 port
- win32/win32sck.c Win32 port
- win32/win32thread.c Win32 functions for threads
- win32/win32thread.h Win32 port mapping to threads
- writemain.SH Generate perlmain.c from miniperlmain.c+extensions
- x2p/EXTERN.h Same as above
- x2p/INTERN.h Same as above
- x2p/Makefile.SH Precursor to Makefile
- x2p/a2p.c Output of a2p.y run through byacc
- x2p/a2p.h Global declarations
- x2p/a2p.pod Pod for awk to perl translator
- x2p/a2p.y A yacc grammer for awk
- x2p/a2py.c Awk compiler, sort of
- x2p/cflags.SH A script that emits C compilation flags per file
- x2p/find2perl.PL A find to perl translator
- x2p/hash.c Hashes again
- x2p/hash.h Public declarations for the above
- x2p/proto.h Dummy header
- x2p/s2p.PL Sed to perl translator
- x2p/str.c String handling package
- x2p/str.h Public declarations for the above
- x2p/util.c Utility routines
- x2p/util.h Public declarations for the above
- x2p/walk.c Parse tree walker